This one we’ve saved for last, but can really be the thing that makes or breaks your success getting into the job that you’ve always dreamed of.
You need to be your own biggest cheerleader. Trust in yourself and really believe that you can do this. If you are still doubting your abilities or playing small, then you are not letting all of yourself shine and be seen for what you can truly offer, and people will sense this.
If your dream job is working for yourself, then you have to really advocate for yourself, and be on your own side. There will be days where all of the logistics of making this happen may get you down, and it can be frustrating and disheartening. These are the times where your own courage to step out and keep going, no matter what will get you through the other side. If you’re looking to land a job working for someone else, then your employer will tell if you have confidence in yourself by the way you communicate and present yourself, and that will, in turn, lead to them having more confidence in you.
It’s not fake arrogance that we’re talking about. It’s the thought that ‘yes, I can do this, I know I have the ability to make it’ that will help you when you need a pick me up. Surround yourself with supportive friends and peers, and this will be a recipe for success.
Stay Inspired and Be Patient
It takes time to create something that is truly life-changing and amazing when it comes to a career. Your career is ultimately your lifestyle, and going after that dream job that delivers all of the benefits of following something you love can require a complete life overhaul.
So with that said, if you’re going through these five steps, and not seeing much change, keep going.
It’ll be worth it in the end, and patience is key to this kind of endeavor. It’s a marathon journey, not a sprint.
Do what you need to do to stay inspired. Listen to podcasts and talks about people who have created this life for themselves to remind you that it’s possible. Stay on track with your peers or mentor keeping you accountable for your actions.
Trust in the process, and in yourself.
The beauty is, when you worked so hard to create this dream job, this victory will taste even sweeter.