6 of the Best Books About Bitcoin


If the rumor surrounding Bitcoin has reached its maximum interest, you aren’t alone. The Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin attracted great successes in recent months, including a dramatic increase in December when Bitcoin reached at $19,000 in Coinbase exchanges and exceeded after the South Korean government plans for announced a new regulation.

Before seriously considering saving wealth in a digital currency, investment expert, and star of “Shark Tank” Kevin O’Leary has issued a warning to perform some “Research”.

“You should never invest in something you do not understand,” O’Leary told CNBC.

There are 6 interesting books about Bitcoin which will help you learn.

“The Age of Cryptocurrency” by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey
Wall Street journalists Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey are trying to explain how a world of digital money would be different from the current system of cash, banks, checks, gold, and credit cards in their book.

For example, the opening story of a book about a woman in Afghanistan has no bank account that can access money through Cryptocurrency, Fortune notes in a review of the kinds of changes technology.

“The careful, contemporary and colorful book by Vigna and Casey is a worthwhile place to learn everything,” says a New York Times report.

“Cryptoassets”: The Innovative Guide For Investors On Bitcoin And Beyond” by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
Chris Burniske, partner of venture capital firm Kapital Platzhalter, and Jack Tatar, a frequent author of personal finance, published a guide on how to invest for in Bitcoin and other digital assets. His 2017 book explains how to value Cryptocurrencies through investment, and “Tips for navigating the inevitable bubbles and manias,” according to the book’s website.

“Informative and treatable Cryptoassets is a must for fans of cryptography and capital market investors as well,” said Arthur Laffer, advisor to the economic policy of former President Ronald Reagan.

“Internet of Money” by Andreas Antonopoulos
For readers who want to explore more theory, “Internet of Money” is a lecture series by the technician Andreas Antonopoulos, which explains general topics why switching to the digital currency is important.

For real experts: Antonopoulos also wrote the # 1 bestseller in the Amazon Economy Books section, “Mastering Bitcoin: Open Blockchain Programming,” which explores the technological foundations of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies operations.

“Blockchain Revolution” by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott
Bitcoin uses a technology called Blockchain, which is a digital registry. Experts Blockchain, Don Tapscott, and Alex Tapscott, explore how technology affects global systems in its book in 2016. The father and son co-founded the Blockchain Research Institute, a Canadian think tank with support from companies such as Microsoft, IBM, FedEx, and PepsiCo. Forbes named Don Tapscott the most influential business thinker in 2017.

“The Tapscott wrote the book, literally, as in this new wave of disruption caused by technology to survive and thrive. It has probably become one of the most characteristic books of our time, “says Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen.

“American Kingpin” by Nick Bilton
This book will tell you the story of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of Silk Road, who has built the Dark E-Commerce website on a $1.2 billion platform for drugs, weapons and everything else illegal.

One of the 100 Best Amazon Books of 2017, Best Apple Book of 2017 and Bestseller of the New York Times Editor, Bitcoin Enthusiast, can read about the role of Cryptocurrency. Nick Bilton is a special journalist for Vanity Fair, a former New York Times journalist and an employee of CNBC.

“Digital Gold” by Nathaniel Popper
Nathaniel Popper, a New York Times reporter covering finance and technology, tells the story of Bitcoin’s first proponents in his 2015 book, including the stories of key players such as the Winklevoss twins Cameron and Tyler (who would be the first to become the first summer). Bitcoin billionaires “if the value of $ 10,000 in Cryptocurrency standard in November) and the mysterious creator Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin may be a product of computer science, but it’s a very human story. This very entertaining story reminds us once again that truth can be stranger than fiction,” says Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers.


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