Dream of Delivery Drones Crushed by California Lawmakers


Drones could deliver anything: Food, drinks and even weed! That’s what we thought until recently when the California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of Cannabis Control unveiled new rules. These rules will ban drones from delivering marijuana. “Cannabis goods will be required to be transported inside commercial vehicles or trailers,” the program description said. “Transportation may not be done by aircraft, watercraft, rail, drones, human-powered vehicles, or unmanned vehicles.”

The adoption of the new rule is set before January 1 and the regulation include safety provisions for drones. If approved, this law could make an end to all those startups working on drones transporting marijuana. Firms like Trees and Eaze have already promised customers UAV drop-offs.

However, California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of Cannabis Control doesn’t seem to be really in favor of it. This choice seems to be not so coherent with the Preposition 64 passed in California in 2016 also known as the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). This regulation legalized the sale and distribution of cannabis. So why not using drones to do it?


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