The Venture Capital Investors You Should Target Your Pitch To


In order to have a successful entrepreneur-investor relationship it is highly important to determine to who and when you will present your pitch deck. Research data shows that investments from venture capital companies that funded deals in the first half of this year are already over the volumes of 2002 to 2006.

These statistics suggest that 2018 investment volumes will easily exceed last year’s 212 billion dollars funded. As it is always important to know who to target at the moment of pitching, below is a list of the ten most active investors according to the data found on the site Crunchbase to help you get a full insight.

  1. Quake Capital Partners
  2. New Enterprise Associates
  3. Insight Venture Partners
  4. Sequoia Capital China
  5. Accel
  6. Start-Up Chile
  7. Higher Ground Labs
  8. Sequoia Capital
  9. Tencent Holdings
  10. Goldman Sachs

Many more lists of investors by category can also be found on the aforementioned site.

There are certain things you should consider when you choose who you’re going to pitch for, after all, an entrepreneurs’ time is his most valuable resource. It’s smart to always look out for key factors: have they invested in your business rotation? Was it good experience for them?

Perhaps another important factor you want to keep in mind is what the VO can offer you beyond financial assistance.

Conclusion is, identify your ideal investors and offer the perfect pitch deck to accelerate your success.


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