Exactly who is financial planning for? If you are doing the week to week paycheck shuffle like so many (too many) others, then the very idea of financial planning doesn’t just seem like a foreign concept, but a joke. Likewise, if you are financially set and all of your money needs and wants are easily (perhaps even effortlessly) met, then the idea of financial planning might not seem like a good fit for you either.
Yet the term exists, and it seems that the fiscally sound are just as likely to benefit from giving consideration to their largess as the rest of us.
Perhaps we should tackle financial planning in a similar fashion to lifestyle planning; afterall, life coaching and vision boards are popular subjects that haven’t lost momentum over the years. Any good life coach is going to ask you at some point what you want out of life, what your goals are, and question your value system. Why shouldn’t these same questions extend to your finances?
No matter the limits of your wealth or its goliath-like proportions, how do you want your dollars to work for you?
How do you want your expenditures and investments to represent you? What do your spending habits and your possessions say about your value systems and the legacy you will leave behind for your family and the world you live in?
Are these things not worth considering?
Of course they are, so pull out your yoga mat of finances and namaste your dollars for the good of self.