How to Tell If Your Product is Ready for Release


How do you know your consumer product is finally ready to enter the market? If it’s suitable for the target group and fully functional, it’s probably ready for release. If it’s complete down to a few small details, it’s ready for launch.

This is also true if the details haven’t been worked out. At least that’s what FaceGym founder Inge Theron thinks. At the AllBright FoundHER festival in London this month, the health and wellness entrepreneur expressed sympathy toward any businessperson who can’t let go of their product before launching it. She knows what she’s talking about.

She shares that she was launching a skincare product and had been working on one particular feature for a very long time. Yet, she’s decided to launch, even though she’s not sure it’s perfect. She has concluded that she’s looking forward to consumers’ feedback. If they tell her to “add a bit more of this,” she’s make changes accordingly.

The businesswoman added that in the modern-day world of entrepreneurship, companies are able to collaborate with their clients, receiving feedback to perfect their product. They have an open, wide audience that will share, develop, and build along with them.

It is a fresh new view that we’re inspired by. Hopefully the product will fulfill her clients’ high expectations and make a helpful, nice contribution to this admittedly competitive, almost saturated market.


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